Cultural institutions such as museums, archives, art galleries, exhibitions, collections, are repositories of objects, artifacts, documents, stories, the value and meaning of which is often enjoyed exclusively within physical places that can be visited in person.
The acceleration of digital transformation now makes it possible to combine physical places with places that can be visited virtually, thus multiplying the opportunities to enjoy priceless artistic and cultural heritage.
Arkki is the heart of a series of integrated modular HW and SW solutions that MediaPower proposes in order to “transform” physical objects into virtual objects to be able to expose them in the digital space and distribute them on multiple channels.
Arkki simplifies all activities in the digital workflow, from acquisition to user engagement: through some dedicated modules, it manages the total and centralized organization of content, registration, streaming of new proposals, and the on-demand usability of every multimedia material.
Professional Archive Module, ARKKI EVO Essential
Arkki Evo is the powerful centralized digital asset manager.
Easy to use, this MAM, the new generation Media Asset Manager, creates a powerful filing system that allows you to professionally catalog all the virtual objects that can be found by search terms, not only textual, but also video.
The consultation and sharing of contents becomes simple, practical and immediate.
Any digital archives created with ARKKI EVO are “mixed”, distributed locally and on the Cloud, encrypted and protected in compliance with the directives on privacy and intellectual property.
The relationships that can be created in the archiving phase are to the advantage of scholars and sector employees: each object, in the archiving phase, will be indexed so that it is proposed in the research phase according to how many criteria you want to assign.
The architecture of Arkki Evo also allows, natively, to create multimedia presentations, training, seminars and the development of marketing and commercial campaigns.
Arkki guarantees the conservation of the cultural heritage and, at the same time, in a secure way, allows the visualization and distribution of contents through the internet, on video channels, social platforms and any other digital network.
The cultural heritage, already digitized with the Archive module, can be made accessible to a wider audience through a website.
Arkki Evo Web relies on the work already done by the Archive module and allows rapid publication of contents, being able to change and update them without leaving the system.
Virtual Tour module ARKKI EVO VIRTUAL TOUR
This module, in perfect integration with the Archive, allows you to virtualize not only the art objects in the exhibition but also the walls and rooms, thus replicating the entire physical structure of the museum in the virtual world.
It therefore becomes possible to visit the virtual exhibition with an almost presence mode of use, a “walk.through”, walking room by room, as in a video game, making the visit very fun and interactive and displaying all the finds in the right place and virtual works on their message boards.
Each virtual path and walk can also refer to the objects present and exhibited in the physical space of the exhibition, which in turn can “point” again to in-depth studies in the virtual world and thus virtually accommodate an infinite number of references and insights.
This possibility opens up a new cultural proposal with constantly updated contents.
The experience of MediaPower, a reference in the treatment of Digital Media gained internationally, is the only guarantee of a powerful and innovative system.
Arkki evo facilitates workflow and internal communication by rationalizing the use of resources.
ARKKI EVO is developed by MediaPower, a leading company in the supply of innovative platforms for integration, optimization, process management and digital transformation.
Digitize and share your Heritage
Follow the flow
1. Digitize your assets
2. Enrich and update your assets with multimedia content
3. Portable solution for events: streaming, recording and archive integration
4. Find virtual visitors with a website directly linked to your assets
5. Create the tour in your virtual museum
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