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Medical Media Factory
Modular Solutions Medical - Healthcare
Medical Media Factory: the value of your content
MediaPower today becomes a nodal point in the Medical - Health Care world with the Media Factory product.
Simplification, organization and workflow management are increasingly necessary in the medical field, where the growing use of digital content requires a correct use of technologies for the production, distribution and monetization of scientific content.
Media Factory supports the company from the moment the content is generated to the moment it is distributed, ensuring complete traceability of the asset and therefore offering it the feature of possible monetization.
Media Factory product was created specifically for the following areas and needs:
- Specialized training: Live Surgery, E-learning, Precepting, Proctoring, etc .;
- Live events: Conferences, meetings, product presentations;
- Content digitization: AudioVideo to supplement the medical record.
Who is it for:
- Medical Devices Manufacturers
- Medical Products Distributors
- Medical Equipment Distributors
- Medical Clinics
- Medical Dental Clinics
- University
- Training bodies
Produce, manage and distribute your own content
Media factory is MediaPower's specific medical product for simplifying any workflow:
- identification of the event to be recorded and distributed;
digitization of data through metadata; - integration of information to and from management systems and corporate CRM;
- content management; publishing and monetization.
Media Factory anticipates the future: riding on change forgetting the possible risks typical of reluctance to embrace new technologies and strategies. Thanks to the use of the most sophisticated metadating technologies, already in use in the broadcast world, and now specifically designed for the medical world, we offer an innovative and unique technological solution.
New strategies with new products in the field of digital transformation, to affirm your company.