
Your digital dreams come true

The world has gone digital - our expertise will help you being part of it



Broadcast & Media Innovation

Video workflows Complete Solutions

We are pioneers in any digital transformation in any market, including: Telco, Media Video and Broadcast. We have been dealing with Information and Operation Technology for over 30 years, managing highly reliable enterprise projects and scalable infrastructures.



Enhancement of cultural and museum heritage

Maintenance and preservation of culture through digital

Historical archives, international museums and cutting-edge cultural centers: our solutions are chosen to preserve information over time, enhance it in academic fields and monetize it through winning business strategies.



Applications for medical markets

Specific solutions for live and on-demand events

Cutting-edge technological applications and infrastructures capable to support e-learning and e-tutoring activities in any medical field. The platform is designed to distribute digital contents in a completely immersive way.

Competitive advantage


Check your digital assets

"Apply innovative thinking to traditional business models"

Understanding and overcoming the challenges of the world of tdigital ransformation
the digital transformation can represent a huge opportunity for any business organization
and companies.
The idea is to gain a competitive advantage in this highly convergent and rapidly changing landscape.


Competitive advantage


Media Asset Management for any digital transition


Arkki is the heart of a series of integrated modular HW and SW solutions that we at MediaPower propose and that allow you to simplify all your digital activities, from acquisition, to management, up to the final engagement of the user.
We take care of everything for you, in terms of strategies, infrastructures and processes in content management.




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